Veteran Sales Professional Learns to Sell Himself

Situation: Mark, a seasoned professional in business development, found himself at a career crossroads after a lay-off. He was offered career and executive coaching services from Recchion & Associates. Despite his extensive experience in sales, Mark found it challenging tooting his own horn. Mark eagerly put time and effort into our STAR (Situation, Task, Action,…

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Danielle: Getting back on track, and then some

Situation For the first time in her 30-year career, Danielle found herself without a job. Getting laid off was a gut-punch. As she says, “It pretty much rocks your world.” Feeling uncertain of what she wanted to do next and a bit vulnerable, she knew she’d be okay, but wanted to find something great, not…

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How Margie Traylor Landed a Seat on the Augmedix Board

Margie Traylor is the CEO of Arizona-based Audacious Studios, which she cofounded almost 23 years ago. Audacious is a consortium of b2b and b2c marketing and customer experience agencies serving national clients in multiple industries, including retail, healthcare, CPG and technology. At the apex of her career, Margie realized that she needed help crafting a…

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A chain of devastating events and then exultation

Situation Layoff, COVID-19 and wildfire evacuation. A bleak scenario, indeed. On May 1, 2020, Robert lost his job as VP Strategic Partnership due to the pandemic. A month later, he tested positive for COVID-19 and was hospitalized for five days, where he was given oxygen and steroids. It was a very serious case and his life…

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Chris: Seizing a Transformative Opportunity Amidst the Pandemic

Situation: Sometimes people stick it out in toxic work environments for far too long. They don’t even realize how deleterious the situation has become because it’s been deteriorating bit by bit. And then when the situation is really horrible, they often become paralyzed and can’t, because of damage to their self-esteem, find the first step…

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Jane: returning to the U.S. job market after 18 years abroad

After 18 years working in the Middle East, “Jane” was ready to go back home to the West Coast. Her internal voice looped the following questions over and over again: “How can I leave this great, global leadership and project management career of 18 years in the Middle East to return to the US? It’s my life, family and work. I’ve spent the majority of my work life in the oil patch

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Lisa: From Career Crossroad to Connecting the Dots Through Self Awareness

“Lisa,” an HR executive rock star, was at a crossroads. She had taken some time off to recharge and assess her next career move. Should she pursue her next great corporate leadership opportunity or consider something very different as an executive coach, a profession she was drawn to and consistent with the results of her assessments?

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John: turning organizational change into a great career opportunity

“John,” an accomplished non-profit CFO, reached out for help navigating the roller coaster of personal and organizational changes resulting from a new executive leadership team. John and I initially worked through the psychology of personal change and coping strategies to take back his personal power, which had been substantially diminished over a period of a year.

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Cathy: Sometimes the timing isn’t perfect, but hey

Cathy, a dynamic woman in her late 30s, came to us with a mission. She wanted to know what her career options were, what her next great role would be. As a senior-level executive for a consulting firm, she spent her workdays helping state agencies best utilize government healthcare resources. Her goal was to get back to the corporate world, and wanted clarity that she was doing the right thing.

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Andrew: Constructing the ideal position

Andrew’s story is all too familiar. The recession impacted his career and, despite an objectively impressive resume, he couldn’t get traction to move into a more elevated position.  And even though Andrew, an extrovert, didn’t outwardly exhibit a lack of confidence, it was clearly affecting his approach to his job search.

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Sarah: Surviving and thriving after a downsizing

After a corporate acquisition and subsequent restructuring/downsizing, our team was tapped to help 12 senior-level executives transition into new jobs. With over 15 years at the acquired company, Sarah initially panicked at the idea of re-entering the job market after she lost her job. She’d been at the same firm for so long, she couldn’t see herself anywhere else.

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Kate: Channeling creative spirit into fulfilling corporate journey

An LA-based actor, stand-up comic, barista, copywriter, poet and nanny, 26-year-old Kate came to us when she was at a career crossroads, looking to answer the “what next” question. Highly ambitious, creative, and with an extensive yet eclectic resume, Kate was, quite simply, all over the place. She had realized she needed to up her game if she wanted to stop living hand-to-mouth and prepare, financially, for her future.

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John Kostaras – Vice President Material Sales, KATERRA

I’ve had many professional mentors in my past, yet no one like Gary. Gary taught me about building my brand, reinforced the habits of resiliency, confidence, discipline and shooting for the stars. Our discussions centered around building a personal branding plan, restructuring my resume and LinkedIn profile and digging deep into professional situations, personal character, the various environments that allow one to thrive in, and even ones that hinder individual success. From this, Gary is able to extract the best from one’s professional successes intertwined with one’s character. The result is an effective executable plan that you can execute with Gary’s professional help and wisdom. Gary’s passion to help people succeed is vividly evident. Without hesitation, I would highly recommend Gary to any professional who is seeking executive and transition coaching. Gary, thank you! You are a rock star!!

David Cohen – Founder, Major League Business LLC; NFL, MLB and AAF Sports Executive

I worked with Gary over the course of a year. While we were 2,000 miles apart, we were able to meet in person using Skype. He was incredibly helpful in guiding me toward career advancement. Gary helped with revamping my resume and LinkedIn profile. We also worked on ways to effectively introduce myself, share my goals, and deliver an effective pitch. Gary helped me create and execute a strategy and plan to connect with both colleagues and recruiters. If you are considering making a professional change or just want to get better, I strongly recommend Gary. He provides solid guidance, brings a proven approach, and offers very fair rates.

Paige Chadwick – Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Outsiders

Everyone should be so fortunate to work with Gary during a career transition. He has been a treasure to work with, especially during the tough early stages when his compassion, expertise and disciplined, comprehensive approach provided the perfect balance of reassurance and motivation for the challenge ahead. More importantly, he left no stone unturned in helping me prepare in every way for my search, from the technical tools and interview skills to the self-reflection and personal confidence needed for the job search process. Gary’s experience and business acumen are impressive – and he is always there with great advice and guidance when I need it. Gary is one of those rare individuals who seems to truly love what he does, puts tremendous energy into helping his clients, and genuinely cares about their well-being. He is wonderful! Partnering with Gary is probably the best thing you could do to ensure a successful career transition.

Debbie DiCarlo – CEO, Cancer Support Community Arizona

Gary was referred to me at a time when I began to feel rather hopeless that I would not ever attain my ‘dream job’ in nonprofit executive leadership. He immediately assisted me by reframing how I saw myself, my skills and my ability to achieve my dreams. In a short time, my resume reflected my experience, but more professionally and confidently. Gary is inspiring, yet challenging — which was the exact combination that I needed.

Bill Agostini – SABIC, Senior Advisor, Global Organization Development & Effectiveness

Gary brought the right mix of support and challenge to help me get focused on what needed to be done to repatriate to the USA after 27 years abroad. He helped me to understand myself better and how to tell my story to have an impact on recruiting managers. He also introduced me to his broad network, which allowed me to understand the USA market better. After working together, I was able to land a perfect role in my choice of company and location.

Cindy George – Human Resources Leader, TrueBlue Inc.

It’s rare to come across a coach and mentor as passionate, encouraging, and SPOT ON as Gary Recchion. Of course he helped with the traditional aspects such as advice for my resume, tips to describe my accomplishments in greater clarity, networking strategies, and how to create the right written collateral for my job campaign… all very important to communicate my story and brand to prospective employers! He excelled in this area and gave expert advice and counsel. But Gary did much more than that during this transitional and uncertain time. He gave me hope and the power to believe in myself and the constant reminder that everything was exactly as it should be. His faith-based encouragement and reinforcement was uplifting, inspiring, and exactly what I needed.

Stephen MacKenzie – Human Resources Director, Legacy Air

I had the distinct pleasure of working with Recchion & Associates during a career transition. During my extensive history in Human Resources, I have worked with numerous outplacement and career coaching consultants. I can say without question that Gary’s approach is one of best I have experienced because it is completely client-centric, very supportive, introspective and, above all, effective. Gary’s program provides an extensive toolkit that successfully guides the client through all steps of the journey: understanding how to deal with the reality of career transition or job loss; sifting through work history to crystalize key accomplishments into powerful STARS; creating a compelling story; preparing to search today’s job market leveraging social media; honing interview skills; and, finally, negotiating the job offer to get the most out of the opportunity. The entire process is built on a foundation of faith and supported by a framework of quantum theory which, in its simplest form, says the type of energy you project, positive or negative, will be the same energy you receive back from the world around us. Gary draws on his extensive experience as an HR practitioner, executive and leadership coach, and career transition expert, to provide a remarkable client experience. He is a true professional who brings a supportive and positive attitude to his practice every day. For organizations seeking leadership and career coaching services or outplacement partner, and for individuals in career transition, I highly recommend Gary’s services.