What is quantum physics?
Simply put, it is the study of what makes up our world. When it comes to living beings, the body is made up of cells, which are made up of molecules, molecules are made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of subatomic particles. We are that energy.
Scientists tell us that we have more power and control over our physical world (cells, atoms, particles), our life and circumstances than we could ever imagine. Some of us may have heard a variation of this message in our religious and spiritual teachings. It goes back to the idea that we reap what we sow; the thoughts, feelings, beliefs (and energy) that we give out come right back to us (both positive and negative). It’s the law of cause and effect.
The energy or vibe that we emit determines how others receive and perceive us. This energy is vital to our career and relationship success. In our career and executive coaching work, we see the power of this play out (and you can read about how “Jane” harnessed it in the case study below). It can either block or accelerate our career management, transition, or job search as we pursue our next great opportunity.
When do you get stuck?
Take some time to quiet your mind and think about the experiences that may be consciously or subconsciously stalling or blocking your next career move and be brutally honest. Are there one or two specific situations that really resonate with you, that evoke strong emotions? Here’s short list of scenarios that we regularly talk through with clients:
Past or present personal and/or professional/work changes, organization/culture shifts, boss relationships, acquisitions, lay-offs, relationship changes, job loss/change, conflicts, challenges, losses, failures, feeling too old (or too young), not having the right degree, etc.
We all have negative tapes playing in our heads.
However, some tapes stall or stop us. They force us to dwell on the past. We lose confidence. We think and dream small, often without realizing it. Those experiences are who we are, and are part of our story that we should confront, process and embrace. When we do, it’s exhilarating – we take our power back, elevate our voice, dream big again and accelerate our career campaign and embrace new beginnings.
It’s our positive and negative thoughts, beliefs, actions (conscious and subconscious), self-talk, and attitude in response to these experiences that scientists believe directly affect, and even predict, our success. In our work, we’ve seen the results show up in the search for meaningful work. It’s quantum physics in action. It’s more important than any resume, interview, networking, personal marketing, and career campaign strategy. It’s your real personal power.