Program Description & Deliverables
Program Summary – 1 Month Mastermind Group Training/Coaching
“Program Yourself for Success: 10 Key Career and Job Search Strategies” is an accelerated personal coaching and self-directed training program based on the book written by Gary Recchion. You will learn key strategies to effectively manage your career development/career transition/job search campaign, in a program that successfully guides individuals impacted by organizational change and/or who are exploring new careers.
Learn and use “best practice” tools, assessments, resources and personal marketing, social networking, communications and personal change techniques to take ownership of your career direction, take back and strengthen your personal power, build your value and confidence, create focus and rise above the competition. Also includes enrollment in new 2.5 hr. online “Developing Awesome Interview Skills” training.
Program Services/Deliverables – Five Weekly “On – Site” 2 Hour Sessions (Virtual program also available)
- Comprehensive “Program Yourself for Success…” book; over 270 pages of advice, exercises and strategies. Agenda/outline and strategies are tailored to individual client needs.
- Learn key change strategies to turn adversity into an opportunity. Managing personal change may be the single most important career development skill today, and is the key to a successful career change, transition and job search. We’ll learn how to accelerate this career process by reclaiming our personal power and voice, highest levels of confidence and personal marketing.
- Self-awareness and brand module – values, interests, Personal Mission, goals, skills, achievements exercises – YOUR STORY; explore skill transferability. We’ll use these exercises to create a 2 page personal self-awareness summary. Self awareness is crucial in the career development and career transition process; it helps us identify our passion/purpose and unique brand for interviewing/networking, and builds our market value & career confidence.
- Develop your internal company & external personal marketing campaign incorporating key strategies: Networking/Social Media, Internet Job Boards/Ads, Agencies/Executive Search Firms and Targeting;
- Build your campaign value and STORY for internal/external marketplace: learn the STAR process to create a laser focused resume, your marketing tool; create a cover letter, networking letter, most recent position exit statement, 30 second and 1-2 minute elevator pitch and LinkedIn profile; you’ll practice communications in a behavioral interview/training session and learn personal marketing and behavioral interviewing strategies to win any interview, and build your network. Includes enrollment in 2.5 hr. online “Developing Awesome Interview Skills”.
- Learn the importance of market research and analysis, the extra effort that can put you over the top and above your competition including completing a personal Target Market Plan.
- Understand when negotiation begins; what’s negotiable…learn to respond to salary inquiries and develop negotiation strategies.
- Create and manage a focused campaign plan with daily/weekly goals; evaluate which strategies are working, which are not and adjust your marketing/campaign plan.
Schedule/Location – Coming soon!
- Location: 4727 East Union Hills Drive, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ, 85050 (101 East at Tatum Exit). For directions see our website at
- Session 1 – Take Ownership of Your Career Direction – Embracing Change
- Session 2 – Find Your Passion & Focus; Personal Marketing, Building Your Brand/Story
- Session 3 – Building Your Brand/Resume(cont’d), and Your Marketing/Search Campaign
- Session 4 – Selling Your Product, Winning the Interview
- Session 5 – Winning the Interview (cont’d), Negotiating For Success, Career Campaign Overview
- Individual Career Coaching – 2 hours of “one on one” coaching (face to face or virtual) per participant for career planning, personal marketing, resume and interview prep. Includes word-processing “final draft” resume, and unlimited free access to the 2.5 hour online interview training for 3 months after program completion.
Session Location/Times
- 4727 East Union Hills Drive, Suite 200, Phoenix, AZ, 85050 (101 East at Tatum Exit). For directions see our website at